Challenges In Language Learning

You’ll find language learning information on this page: from overcoming reading challenges to developing writing skills and more. We’ll keep sharing our journey, trusting that God will use it to encourage someone else as much as we’ve been encouraged when others have shared with us when we were going through the hardest phases.


Our older two kids have both proven to be very gifted with language learning, but our youngest learns differently in this area. So, we dug our heals in and did what we had to do and learned (still learning) what we had to learn to help her more. This was something that really impacted me as a mom in a deeper way than I ever imagined.

If you have a learner who has really faced some hard challenges with language learning, too, then you may enjoy reading articles we have been sharing about this.

Find Articles About Our Language Learning Challenges Journey


For all of the kids, learning to write is a constant challenge. For that matter, it’s a challenge for adults who’ve been writing business and professional documents, articles and books for over 20 years, too. Writing is a constant challenge, especially now, because our days are so full of everything that is contrary to the way that it is supposed to be done. People are so casual about and apathetic about good writing. So, you have to keep learning and keep doing it the right way on purpose.

Find Articles About Our Writing Journey

Over time, we will keep adding archived articles back into our new blog (moved it at the end of 2013). And we’ll, of course, keep sharing about our journey going forward.


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Donna Marie, The Mommy at #ButterflyHomeschool

To Contact The Mom, Donna, go to

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